Cask Disgorging Optimisation

Maximised disgorging volumes with improved product yield

Maximized disgorging volumes with improved product yield

Currently the disgorging process is done semi-automatically delivering variable yield volumes and leaving valuable matured spirit in the cask.

The Pilz cask disgorging system utilises a simple but effective and repeatable process to ensure minimal matured spirit remaining in the cask prior to refill.

Increased disgorging volumes

  • Repeatability of tipping volumes to ensure maximum amount of matured spirit is extracted from the cask
  • Optimized usage of each cask while eliminating matured spirit entering recirculation
  • Reduced cycle times increasing process efficiency

Repeatable and maximized disgorging

The cask disgorging optimization system is a palletized tipping system consisting of six pneumatically controlled lances. With two cylinders the lances can be lowered to open and close the spirit control valves. The positioning of the lances is fully automatic, and the lances are pneumatically lowered into cask for operator initiation of the disgorging cycle.

This automated process offers repeatable and maximized disgorging volumes:

  • Using proven technologies to achieve repeatability of optimised cask emptying
  • Angular displacement of the complete pallet ensures consistent high yield volumes
  • System ensures accuracy
Get in contact with our experts

Pilz Global Distillery Business Unit
Cork Business and Technology Park,
Model Farm Road
Cork, Ireland

Telephone: +353 21 4346535